

Transform Raw Imagery into Analysis-Ready Information

Globally Available Orthorectification Service

Orthorectification is a process used to correct or transform satellite or aerial imagery to accurately represent terrain and features. Orthorectification results in true-to-scale images that can be used for various purposes, such as analyzing land use, ground measurements, monitoring changes and map creation. Intermap’s Orthorectification Service utilizes its high-resolution digital terrain models (DTMs) to correct distortions in imagery, providing customers with a reliable way to accurately visualize geospatial information from any source.

Leverage precise, globally available NEXTMap® elevation datasets with production-grade orthorectification processing infrastructure to transform raw satellite imagery into analysis-ready imagery. Service provides customers with accurate and consistent geometry throughout an image or image set, regardless of image source, with the option to incorporate imagery from multiple vendors and collection times.


See the difference between the two datasets by moving the slider

Fast, Cost-Effective and Reliable

All-in-one orthorectification package combines elevation datasets and orthorectification processing in one pricing structure

Scalable computing capacity ensures timely processing of imagery

Multiple optical and radar imagery sources are supported

High-Resolution DTM Powers Orthorectification Service

Based on our unique, precise NEXTMap DTM datasets, starting at 1-meter accuracy and resolution in low slope and unobstructed areas

Precise terrain features in DTM accurately corrects raw satellite imagery to produce analysis-ready imagery that is free of distortions


DTM Prague website

Analysis-Ready Data from Any Sensor

Intermap’s Orthorectification Service supports optical and radar satellite sensors using a rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) sensor model

Topographical variation and sensor orientation
Supported Sensors
GeoEye, IKONOS, Kompsat, Pleiades, Quickbird, RADARSAT, Sentinel-1, SPOT-5, SPOT-6, SPOT-7, TerraSAR-X, WorldView-1, WorldView-2, WorldView-3, other sensors with RPCs
Supported Image Types
Radar, RGB, NIR, Multispectral, Panchromatic, Pansharpened
DTM Accuracy1
1-meter RMSE with NEXTMap One regional2 coverage; 3-meter RMSE for the rest of the world

1In low slope and unobstructed areas
2NEXTMap One regional covers the United States, Western Europe and parts of Southeast Asia