Denver, Colorado (March 29, 2005): Intermap Technologies, (IMP - TSX) announced today that its final Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data production delivery has been accepted by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
This acceptance marks the successful conclusion of Intermap's effort on the production task order, which Intermap supported as a subcontractor to The Boeing Company, in processing the elevation data from the NGA-NASA SRTM project. The Boeing/Intermap team completed the editing and quality assurance of the data ahead of schedule and within the negotiated contract amount. As a result of its performance on the production task order, the team has subsequently received an additional task order for value-added processing to fill voids in the SRTM data with alternate sources of elevation information.
In February 2000, NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour flew the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, collecting digital elevation data for approximately 80% of the Earth's land surface. It is the first, close to worldwide, radar coverage that is used for the creation of three-dimensional digital elevation model (DEM) maps ranging from 60 degrees north latitude to 56 degrees south latitude.
"Intermap's in-process Quality Control and Boeing's Independent Validation and Verification processes ensured consistency in product, while minimizing rework. These two important elements of our production chain continue to be key success factors in maintaining production project schedule and budget," stated Intermap's director of customer care, Walter Sedlacek.
"Strong inter-organizational cooperation among Boeing, Intermap and NGA was key in making the SRTM Production program a geospatial technology success story," said Andrea C. Ham, Boeing's SRTM project manager.
About Intermap
Intermap is digitally remapping entire countries, building unprecedented national databases, called NEXTMap, of highly accurate digital topographic maps (including elevation). Customers purchase Intermap's high-quality, low-cost data to facilitate better decision-making for numerous commercial, governmental, military and consumer applications.
Demand for NEXTMap data is growing as new commercial applications are emerging, including geographical information systems (GIS), engineering planning, transportation, automotive, navigation, flood, irrigation, environmental management and planning, telecommunications network planning, aviation, simulation and 3D visualization. Internet applications include virtual tours, topographic maps and computer games. The products are also used to add interactive intelligence to airborne and satellite images.
Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Intermap employs more than 250 people worldwide, with offices in Calgary, Ottawa, Munich and Jakarta. Intermap is publicly traded on the TSX Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol IMP. For more information, visit
For further information, please contact:
Monica Moore
Director of Marketing
(303) 708-0955