"We are very pleased that another U.S. Federal Government agency has decided to join our NEXTMap USA program," explained Michael E. Bullock, Intermap's vice president of sales. "This is the third U.S. Federal Government agency that is planning to purchase all or a substantial portion of our NEXTMap USA data for the continental United States. The accuracy and detail provided by our NEXTMap USA topographic data will allow USDA to support their soil science program as well as support other USDA applications."
The states of California, Florida and Mississippi are now complete. Data has also been acquired in Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana, Arizona and Michigan.
NRCS will use the NEXTMap data in its GIS systems nationwide. Most business conducted by NRCS is on the land and better digital elevation data combined with digital orthoimagery will provide NRCS resource conservationists and soil scientists a realistic 3D view of the landscape.. Initially, the data will be used to improve the vertical and horizontal accuracy of digital orthoimagery produced under FSA's National Agriculture Imagery Program and to more fully automate NRCS soil survey mapping without the need for hard copy stereo photos.
NRCS manages natural resource conservation programs and provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners based on sound science suited to a customer's specific needs.
About Intermap
Intermap is digitally remapping entire countries, building unprecedented national databases, called NEXTMap, of highly accurate digital topographic maps (including elevation). Customers purchase Intermap's high-quality, low-cost data to facilitate better decision-making for numerous commercial, governmental, military and consumer applications.
Demand for NEXTMap data is growing as new commercial applications are emerging, including geographical information systems (GIS), engineering planning, transportation, automotive, navigation, flood, irrigation, environmental management and planning, telecommunications network planning, aviation, simulation and 3D visualization. Internet applications include virtual tours, topographic maps and computer games. The products are also used to add interactive intelligence to airborne and satellite images.
Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Intermap employs more than 250 people worldwide, with offices in Calgary, Ottawa, Munich and Jakarta. Intermap is publicly traded on the TSX under the symbol IMP. For more information, visit www.intermap.com.
Corbet Pala
Investor Relations
E-vestor Communications Inc.
(416) 657-2400