This week’s blog features a recent video from AM Best TV, and a podcast from First the video.
AM Best TV was at the (great acronym! FAIR). The video segment explore what FAIR is doing on the front lines of flood insurance reform. Within this 5 minute piece are several solid interviews from insurers, legislators, municipalities, and property owners describing how they envision the nation’s flood insurance landscape after the re-authorization (coming in September – 4 months!!!). When asked about that “flood landscape”, the flood modeler said he envisioned bands of red, orange and yellow emanating from the nation’s rivers like giant Christo sculptures.
Meanwhile, sent out Episode 15 of Profiles in Risk – All About Flood. It’s a 45 minute conversation about flood risk and insurance, and is pretty enthralling and captivating. If you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing, skip to the last 10 minutes to listen to the hapless interviewee get every flood trivia question wrong. Oh yeah, that was me getting all the questions wrong.
Next week, we’ll get back to old-fashioned blogging – words and hyperlinks.
* Actually, that didn’t happen. I just wish it did.